How I became who I am, 2023, 10x15x8cm, Jesmonite box with lid and 10 meters of typewritten Kitakata paper. 
How I became who I am is a journal of my transmutation into stone in the shape of an ancient worn out object containing primordial knowledge. It describes the steps I took to create the boulders for "A face that toils so close to stones" and the lithographs for "Is already stone itself" in addition to the reflections I came up with during the making process. 
Writing this publication served me to monitor my progress as well as how I endured such physical work, my commitment to the medium and each stage of the transmutation. I believe it narrates who I am, in as much as how those tasks shaped me the way I am now. In a nutshell: the narration of a stone's erosion through time. 
Edition of 5

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